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Labrador Flag Repair - Not for Sale
Price: $0.00 Shipping: $0.00 $0.00 shipping handling for additional Labrador Flag Repair - Not for Sale
Repair estimates are subject to change depending on additional damage found when piece is taken apart. Take this piece, for example... what looked like a simple repair developed into a much bigger job, and as I didn't quote stating that repair was subject to change depending on additional damage found, I ended up absorbing the additional cost of time and materials. Initial inspection showed that the foil around the jump ring was ripped and pulling away from the glass, as it was attached on the curve, rather than on the joint. As I was working on this, I discovered that the flagpole was also broken and there was a hairline crack in the bottom outer edge of the flag. I replaced the flagpole, and decided that the crack was small enough that it could be left undisturbed. However, the crack became a repair imperative when I disturbed the crack and broke the outside foil solder line as I was polishing the "finished" repair. While washing the flux off on the second repair, the painted on spruce twig also came off, so what should have been a 15-20 minute repair turned into about a 3 1/2 hour job, with an additional cost for materials.